736日目・・・「チコと鮫」・・・ボクが少年時代にみた映画です・・・物語の舞台はハワイです。「サメ」と「少年」と「少女」のモノガタリ・・・そして「日本人」も絡んできます・・・日本神話で「ワニ(サメ)」をだましたのが「ウサギ」だったけれど・・・ 以下「YouTube」からの抜粋です・・・

 説明: Filmed on location in the South Pacific, this adventure centers upon the unique bond forged between a native boy and a man-eating tiger shark who keeps watch upon a sacred cache of black pearls. Tikayo, the boy, finds the shark when it is only sixteen feet long. Believing it to contain the soul of an old wise man, Tikayo and his lover Diana become friends to the great creature and discover that it only devours those who would threaten the treasure. The film is alternatively titled Sea Killer and Shark Boy of Bora Bora.